Design-behavior Theory of Eco-feedback
cEnergi's transdisciplinary approach to designing effective eco-feedback
Mobility Data for Safer Streets
Evaluating the use of data tools in the hands of active transit advocates
Affordable Smart Thermostats
User testing of hardware and software interfaces
Solar Water Heating
User research with California households
Building Energy Audit App
Informing the design of a building energy audit app for military bases
CNI Dashboard
An educational, engagement, and accountability tool for the University of Callifornia's Carbon Neutrality Initiative
arbn well
Informing the design of an air quality monitoring system for commercial buildings
Making energy use visible with the Social Energy Sensing Monument
User testing map-based energy data displays with the Campus Energy Education Dashboard
EV Explorer
User testing, design and development of vehicle energy cost calculators
West Village Flag Feedback
A social, public-facing, community-level energy feedback display
West Village Energy Dashboard
Energy feedback for energy researchers
Empowering travelers to choose less carbon intensive flights
Crowdsourcing thermal comfort for energy efficiency
Home Water Reports
Exploring behavioral spillover in response to eco-feedback
Smart Home Technology
Adoption and user experience
Eco-driving Feedback
Understanding eco-driving and in-vehicle feedback
OBD Energy
Raising awareness of environmental impacts of driving
Promoting walking and biking for local trips
Farmer's Markets as a Restorative Environment
Interfacing with our food
Solar Decathlon 2017
Innovations in household water consumption feedback
Conscious Cook
Virtual water and carbon footprint calculator for food
The Bear Experiment
Visualizing local vs. global climate change impacts